Montezuma drank chocolate straight up! No sugar, no milk, just pure 100% chocolate!
Have you ever eaten 100% chocolate? Ugh! It's BITTER. Many people who are sugar-challenged for health reasons need to find a healthy chocolate that doesn't include sugar.
Depending on your point of view and opinion of what are termed "multi-level" organizations - there is a supposedly healthy organic sugar-free chocolate out there. We have not tried it. We merely report that it's out there.
Let's do a couple of definitions here. Let's look at what a multi-level organization is, plus a short review of some of the sugar alternatives out there.
A multi-level organization is one where the bottom level person sells the product. In order to get promoted in rank, that person then recruits everyone they know to become their distributors - and so on and so on up the chain.
Different sugar substitutes are out there. There's Zero, by Wholesome Sweetners. There's Agave Nectar, like a honey substitute. Honey itself is a sugar substitute. Since I'm not the nutrition expert, but my husband Kirby IS - (due to his 26 years in the natural products field) I asked him. His favorite is Xylitol because of its taste and digestability.
We've tried on a couple of occasions to formulate a sugar-free chocolate here at Smith Organic Chocolates. I've come to the conclusion that my experiments have gone wrong because I don't have professional processing equipment. Either that, or I don't know what I'm doing. :-)
All that being said, there is a new organic sugar-free chocolate out on the market. We have not tried it - we don't know if it's any good. You can Google it. It's called TRU Chocolate.
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