Friday, November 26, 2010
Addendum to Holiday 2010 Post

Monday, November 22, 2010
Holiday 2010 Specials
If you are on our email list, you'll be getting a flyer which will have our holiday specials on it. But for the rest, I'll put them here as well.
For all these special prices, when ordering from the website, use the special code - HOL-10 at checkout.
Everyday Elegance - 1-Lb. - $28.99; 1/2-Lb. - $15.99
Shown here with a Romantic Truffle Assortment, you can order whatever you like. The 1-Lb. box is square, as shown here. The 1/2-Lb. box is rectangular.
Order as a set, or separately. Shown here with a Nuts About You in the Small Box, you can fill these boxes with whatever you'd like. The 3-Box Set will contain about 3-1/2-Lbs. of organic chocolates. The Large Box - 2-Lbs.; The Medium Box - 1-lb.; The Small Box - 1/2-Lb.
Order as a set or separtely. Shown here with a Nuts About You in both tins as a set, you can order anything you'd like. The 2-Tin set holds 1-1/2-Lbs. of organic chocolates. The Larger Tin holds a pound, the Medium Tin holds 1/2-Lb.
Simply Chocolate - Our simplest form of packaging, in White or Holiday Holly - $15.99 per 1/2-Lb. $28.99 for 1-Lb of barks or clusters.The White box can hold either a 1/2-Lb or 1-Lb. The Holiday Holly box can hold up to 1-Lb.
There are many other options available. Check out our website at: http://www.smithorganicchocolates.com/.
The Reindeer Tower Set & the Moose Snowman Tin Set include a handmade bow. The Simply Chocolate Box will come with either a gold or red elastic string bow.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Our email is: smithorganicchocolates@dejazzd.com.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Your Age in Chocolate! - Try This - it Works!
A friend forwarded me this in an email - and it works - no matter what number you pick.
Try it! It's fun!
Try it several times, and forward it on to anyone you know who loves chocolate!
First, pick a number between one and 10 to decide how many times in a week you'd like to have chocolate.
Next, multiply the number by 2.
Then, add 5.
Multiply by 50.
If you've had your birthday already this year, add 1760. If you haven't had your birthday yet, add 1759.
Now - subtract the four-digit year you were born.
You'll have a 3-digit number. The first number will be the number you picked in the beginning. The second two digits will be your correct age!
Now - wasn't that fun! :-)
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest in product and nutritional information about chocolate. But - we also wanna bring on the fun!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Where you can find us
Here's how we look at Akron Nutrition Center, Akron, PA. We package our chocolates in clear cello bags with ingredient labels and gold & brown ribbons.
We can also be found at Green Box Boutique, in Woodstock, IL. Connie Citarelli opened this store on Friday, February 12th.

We can also be found at our website: www.smithorganicchocolates.com, www.chocolate.com, and soon to be on Nation's Grocer.
Smith Organic Chocolates is a growing company. Who knows, in a couple of years, we may even have our own storefront?
A Little Dark Chocolate a Day...
A little dark chocolate a day, can help reduce heart risk - according to new studies being published in the European Heart Journal.
Here's a quote from AP Medical Writer Maria Cheng:
"German researchers followed nearly 20,000 people over eight years, sending them several questionnaires about their diet and exercise habits.
"They found people who had an average of six grams of chocolate per day - or about one square of a chocolate bar - had a 39 percent lower risk of either a heart attack or stroke."
It's the flavonoids, found in vegetables and red wine which help to open up blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure.
More and more studies are confirming what chocolate lovers already know - that chocolate in moderate and small amounts - dark chocolate of at least 65% - is like an apple a day - it will help keep the doctor away.
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest nutritional information about health benefits of chocolate, as well as our product information and where we can be found.
Monday, March 15, 2010
American Chocolate Week March 15-21
I'll bet you didn't konw that this week is American Chocolate Week! I wouldn't have either except a certain calendar I got in the mail at the end of last year told me that this week was American Chocolate Week.
I remember passing by a retail store a couple of years ago, after I'd started my chocolate business. They had posted a sign about American Chocolate Week. I thought "how did they know and why didn't I know?" I was a little embarrassed. After all, here I am, making chocolates, and I don't even know when American Chocolate Week is?
At any rate, I found out this year - and I'm announcing it! This week is American Chocolate Week. This week - March 15 -21.
How will you celebrate?
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest in chocolate product and nutritional information.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Spring Holidays Information
We also make Organic Peanut Butter and Organic Almond Butter Eggs, Organic Milk Chocolate Solid Laughing Bunnies, Organic Dark Chocolate Solid Crosses, and much more!
Check out our Spring website: http://www.smithorganicchocolates.com/ for all our Easter offerings.
We also have a Spring Holidays Catalog available in PDF format for your perusual. If you'd like one, email us at: smithorganicchocolates@dejazzd.com.
And if you don't see what you'd like, contact us, and we'll see if we can make it happen for you.
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest in organic chocolate nutritional and product information. If you have any quesitons, please contact us.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Two New Studies - Chocolate can lower stroke risk
I love it! The more they study dark chocolate, the more health benefits they find!
These studies are hot off the press and are about to be released to the American Academy of Neurology's (AAN) 62nd Annual Meeting, being held in Toronto, Ontario between April 10 and 17.
In a press release dated February 11, 2010, the AAN said that an analysis of three studies contributed to this conclusion. Two studies focused on chocolate, the other focused on strokes. To quote the release:
"The first study found that 44,589 people who ate one serving of chocolate per week were 22 % less likely to have a stroke than people who ate no chocolate. The second study found that 1,169 people who ate 50 grams of chocolate once a week were 46% less likely to die following a stroke than peple who did not eat chocolate."
It's the flavinoids found in chocolate that are so healing. The study said, "Chocolate is rich in antioxidants called flavinoids, which may have a protective effect against stroke, but more research is needed."
Smith Organic Chocolates had a customer with Lou Gehrig's disease who felt better if she ate chocolate every day. I think it was also the gentle stimulation that chocolate provides. For more information on the non-caffiene stiumulant that chocolate is - see a previous post.
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest in chocolate news, information, and nutritional help. What do you think? Post a comment and let us know.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
SPRING is on the way - Cleaning
Valentine's Day is over - and we had a great one! We shipped out 42 orders the week of Valentine's - and we survived an 18" snow in the middle of the week to boot!
As you can see, we're cleaning up and organizing. This was actually a 'staged' picture to show our 'inside' facility for Chocolate.com.
More pictures to follow - as we are totally revamping and re-organizing our chocolate "office" (Mom's old bedroom/old guestroom). We're not re-decorating yet - I think that might come in the late Spring. I still like having reminders around here that Mom was with us those six years (two in this house).
But there's very little left to make it appear that it was once a bedroom...just a chest of drawers (which we use for storage of ribbon, doilies, party supplies, etc. and a bookcase that also 'stores' things.
The only thing we don't do from this office is produce chocolate. That's done in the kitchen. But the administrative, packing and shipping is all done in our "office." Pictures to follow - when I've got it the way I want it.
And - we're planning for Easter - only seven weeks away! More info on those specials coming in about 2-3 weeks.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Valentine's Day 2010
We've finally found a way to get a good "red" to dye our white chocolate. We've been scouring the world and finally found Non FD&C organic colored cocoa butter! It works and the result is spectacular - as you can see!
This cameo heart box sells for $9.99. It comes packaged in cello with a bow. A beautiful and tasty gift for someone who loves chocolate and romance.
You can order this box any way you want. There are a number of ways this box can be ordered. Please see our website for ordering information. Our website is: www.smithorganicchocolates.com.
Order early and order often. Check out our website for complete product and cost information. Follow us on Twitter and become a fan of our Facebook page for additional news and information.
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest nutritional and product information.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Candy in Moderation is OK
(Pictured: Our new Cranberry Almond Bark, made with organic semi-sweet dark chocolate, organic roasted/chopped almonds, and organic chopped dried cranberries)
A new study compiled of long-term findings from a U.S. government funded study says that candy in moderation is OK, and does not contribute to obesity.
In article published in the November 2009 Gourmet News, the study says, "...candy consumption is not associated with chronic negative health outcomes, such as overweight and obestiy, in children and adults. Children who consumed candy had lower body weights than children who reported eating no candy."
The study, conducted by Nutrition Impact, LLC, "found that children who eat candy had statistcally significant lower body weight and a lower body mass index than children who eat no candy."
"Candy consumption was not associated with increasd body weight in adults either" the study said.
These finds also correlate with the American Dietic Association's psoition that, "the total diet or overall pattern of food eaten is the most important focus of a healthful eating style. All foods can fit within this pattern."
Soooo.....that means that a piece of candy a day, won't hurt you. Go ahead and indulge - just be controlled. Two ounces a day of dark chocolate is like drinking that proverbial glass of wine - the same type of health benefits apply. See the post from February 2009 for information on the Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate.