Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chocolate and Caffiene - Part I

Recently, I had a couple of friends say they wouldn't eat chocolate in the evening because of the caffiene in it.

I snickered and said, "But there's no caffiene in chocolate!"

"There isn't?" My friend replied. A couple more friends joined in the conversation.

"I'd always heard there was!" "Yeah, I heard that too!" They said.

I said, "Theobromine is like a precursor to caffiene, but it is not caffiene!"

If you look at the chemical make-up of a caffiene molecule and a theobromine molecule, they are very similar, and they are both classified as alkaloids which have a somewhat 'stimulating' effect on the body, but the way they do that is different.

Think of the two like a race. One, caffiene, is a's quick, and it's over. Theobromine's effect is more like a marathon - what you need over a longer period of time.

In an article posted on Chemistry, "Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine. In general, theobromine levels are higher in dark chocolate (approximately 10 g/kg) than in milk chocolates (1-5 g/kg). Higher quality chocolate tends to contain more theobromine than lower quality chocolate."

Next time...more particulars...but just remember - there is no caffiene in chocolate! So don't worry about it!

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