Do you or anyone you know suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Try dark chocolate for an energy boost!
In a study done at Hull York Medical School of 10 patients followed a course over a two-month period.
The group ingested about two ounces of dark chocolate every day for a month, then ate white chocolate dyed dark to look like dark chocolate.
In an online article by Sheryl Walters, posted on Natural News.com, it states "When the patients were taking a daily dose of dark chocolate, they reported significantly less fatigue, but felt the fatigue return when they stopped eating it." In other words, only the "real" dark chocolate worked. The dyed white chocolate didn't.
As in everything, moderation is the key. This is the second report we've quoted now showing that about two ounces of dark chocolate a day brings beneficial rewards.
Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to bringing you the latest information regarding the health benefits of chocolate - the best comfort food there is! We also use this for company news and additional information.
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