Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chocolate is an Affordable Everyday 'Luxury'

Everywhere we look, all we hear about is the economy, the economy, the economy. Well, I'm tired of hearing about how bad it is. I'd rather light a candle in the darkness than complain about the fact that darkness is there!

High quality chocolates are a 'luxury' anyone can afford. How do you want to spend your money? Do you want to spend it on a Hershey's bar or something of better quality?

One way we can continue to help is to purchase high quality organic chocolate. In a recent report (Dec. 2, '08) by Packaged Facts, gourmet chocolate sales were up NINE percent in 2008, vs. 2007. In a quote from Gourmet News: "The trend indicates that even in lean economic times, consumers are still treating themselves to affordable luxuries such as chocolate."

That's good news for the gourmet/natural food/organic industry. I recently heard on Fox News that organic sales of most produce and other packaged food items had taken a downturn, because people didn't want to spend the money. This needs to change. Education and public relations efforts with the average consumer need to continue.

The question I always ask: "Where would you rather spend your money - at the grocery store or the doctor's office?" Usually, when I ask that, I get the answer: "Well, I have insurance." To me that just shows that people are not aware of how much their eating habits affects their overall health.

So...don't be afraid to continue eating healthy, organic dark chocolate. And don't forget to "Buy from the Little Guy" - as well as all the fine companies in this industry.

Chocolate is the best of comfort foods. More on that later.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Health researchers are now discovering that there are actual tangible health benefits to eating the snack we all love and some of us ‘crave.’ Dark chocolate, where the cocoa mass is in percentages more than 40%, contain flavonols and anti-oxidants. A Hershey’s spokesperson said, “Consumers are becoming more aware of the antioxidants that occur naturally in dark chocolate," said Jody Cook.”

In an article written for Prevention magazine, Alice Lesch Kelly states, “Food scientists are no longer shy about praising chocolate, and not just as a dip for strawberries. Several studies have demonstrated that antioxidants in chocolate — known as flavonols — help lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol while boosting "good" HDL cholesterol. Flavonols seem to ease inflammation, opening blood vessels and improving blood flow. These antioxidants can prevent platelets from adhering to the lining of blood vessels, inhibit blood clotting, and help prevent plaque formation in the arteries, explains Carl L. Keen, PhD, chairman of the nutrition department at the University of California, Davis. “The science is compelling. I think it's a good idea to include flavonol-rich foods such as chocolate in your diet," Keen says.

The article also states, “Cocoa beans contain substantial amounts of antioxidants, dietary substances that mop up free radicals. (The cell damage they cause can lead to cancer-triggering mutations or blood-vessel scarring that accelerates heart problems.) Disease-fighting antioxidants are also present in blueberries, kale, spinach, tea, red wine, and grape juice. But chocolate is a particularly potent source; ounce for ounce, dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries. (emphasis mine)

The website, states, “...According to Sandra Capra from the University of Newcastle, (England) the health properties of dark chocolate are real and should not be dismissed so lightly.

The evidence is there, that dark chocolate is a good alternative to milk chocolate and is a source of some key anti-oxidants," she said. "Anyone already on a healthy and balanced diet should be able to indulge occasionally in one or two squares of dark chocolate and benefit from a few health benefits as well."

Smith Organic Chocolates is dedicated to informing you as well as providing you with yum-dilly-i-cious organic chocolate. Our website is Check us out - we are a fully operational webstore.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why Organic?

No Sprays—No Artificial Preservatives

Scientists and researchers are only now beginning to see the long-range of negative effects of spraying crops with pesticides.

Why do farmers use pesticides? The obvious answer would be “to kill the bugs” but the actual answer is a little more complicated than that.

After WWI, chemicals used for warfare were turned into sprays to “kill bugs” and the government subsidized farmers for using them. It seemed like a win-win situation. The American people had apples and other fruits without the characteristic “hole” from where a worm had eaten part of the apple, the chemical companies didn’t have to go out of business (which would have put a strain on the economy and soon the Great Depression of the 1930s), and the American public had “pretty” food to eat—more appetizing to the eyes.

What they didn’t know then, that we are now learning, is that over a period of years, our livers have had to try to “break down” these chemicals in our bodies. This has put a strain on our overall health. Our livers may stay strong, but other things “broke” down instead; our hearts, our digestive systems, our circulation, our joints, and our immune systems.

Pesticides also get into the soil and leach into our water systems—so it’s not just the food that is “poisoned” by pesticides, our water and our soil is affected too.

The demand for organic chocolate is growing. The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) says, “...The demand for organic cocoa products is growing at a very strong pace, as consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety of their food supply along with other environmental issues. According to Euromonitor International, global organic chocolate sales were estimated to have increased from a value of US $171 million in 2002 to US $304 million in 2005.”

Smith Organic Chocolates is committed to serving you with the best information available so that you can educate yourself and your customers.

Our website is It is a fully operational web store.

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